Date: June 18, 2020
To: San Joaquin County Residents
From: Maggie Park, M.D., Public Health Officer
Interim Guidance for Distanced Athletic Conditioning and Drills
This guidance is applicable to all school and non-school associated teams.
The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) has provided confirmation that non-contact drills with
physical distancing are now permitted in counties that have a variance and have allowed gyms and other
fitness facilities to open. These activities must be conducted in compliance with the Fitness Facilities
guidance available at .
While the State’s Fitness Facilities document offers helpful guidance, it lacks sufficient specificity for noncontact drills and must be adapted to fit this type of group athletic training. Informed by a scan of how
other California communities are approaching this activity, non- contact drills must adhere to the
following adapted guidelines:
• All participants must remain at least 6 feet apart at all times during the training, as well as
before and after.
• Groups must be limited to no more than 12 participants, including coaching staff.
• Participants cannot transfer between groups; once a group is established, they must remain
together throughout a training session and across multiple training sessions.
• Face coverings that cover the nose and mouth are required for coaches/instructors.
• No spectators are permitted.
• It is preferable for all participants to bring their own equipment and not share equipment during
the activity. If equipment must be shared (e.g., a ball), it must not be shared between groups
and must be disinfected after each training session.
• Outdoor activities are highly preferable to indoor activities.
• All participants must be screened for symptoms upon arrival to each training session. Anyone
currently experiencing fever, cough, shortness of breath, chills, muscle aches, sore throat, runny
nose or congestion, loss of taste or smell, nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea is not permitted to
participate and should be sent home immediately.
• Hand sanitizer must be made readily available at the training site.
• Shared surfaces must be cleaned after each training session.
• Participants should bring their own water or other beverages and not share beverages
with others.
• Participants should limit their participation to only one sport/activity (e.g., training for either
baseball or soccer, but not both).
CDPH has indicated that guidance for youth sports to resume is under development. That guidance, once
issued, will replace this interim training guidance. Until then, the State is only allowing drills and
conditioning—no scrimmaging or competitive play is permitted.
Coronavirus is still very much present in San Joaquin County, and precautions are necessary as training
resumes. Cooperation with these requirements is important to protect the health of San Joaquin County